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Create and share your own real estate database.

Take these easy steps to add real estate to the Helper4Realtor's database and expose it on your own page and pages of your partners.

Sign up for Helper4Realtor account.

Click "Create Account" button at the right, fill out the form and you are ready to go!

Add your real estate object to the database.

  1. Open navigation panel by clicking the icon on the menubar at the top.
  2. Under Catalog section click on Add new object link.
  3. Fill out and save a form.

Open your personal website on Helper4Realtor.

This can be done in a three different ways, as follows.
  1. Simply open a link <YOUR-USERNAME>
  2. Edit your profile details and set your own subdomain name by filling Subdomain field. Then open a link <YOUR-SUBDOMAIN>
  3. Set your own domain name under PE CONNECT! section and then open your personal website.
Now you see your own website with an object you just added as well as objects from your parners, in case if you have one. Same works in other direction, the object you just added will be published on your partner's website as well.


